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Tomcat Rat Glue Traps

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  • Regular price $6.95

Tomcat® Super Hold Glue Traps Rat Size are the pesticide-free, non-toxic way to effectively control rats, mice, and other rodents or pests. These traps can also be used to control a variety of insects including spiders, roaches, or even scorpions. Place traps in areas where rodents or insects will most likely cross over them (such as along walls, runways, gnawed openings, and near burrows) as they move from hiding place to feeding places. To increase their effectiveness, block passageways to force rodents over the traps. Traps should be placed at 10-15 foot intervals to capture rats and 5-8 foot intervals for catching mice.

The super-hold formula provides superior gripping power, so rats are stuck as soon as they step onto the trap. High-contrast glue color allows quick rodent identification. Each pack contains 2 rat-size traps, ready-to-use directly out of the box. Made in the U.S.A., Tomcat® Super Hold Glue Traps Rat Size helps you control your rat, mice, or rodent problem.